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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Domino's Delivery Lady Saves Life of Customer

Every single day, an 82-year-old Memphis woman orders a large pepperoni pizza with two Diet Cokes from her local Domino's. Every single day. For three years.
Until one day, she did not. This was so alarming to delivery lady Susan Guy that she drove over anyway and called the police when no one answered the door.
It turns out the woman fell and couldn't get up. Thanks to Guy's initiative, she was rescued and is now resting comfortably at the hospital. Way to go, Susan!
Guy says she's just a delivery woman, but that day, she was a whole lot more. Who'd have guessed ordering Domino's would actually extend a human life?
Too soon? Possibly. Anyway, everybody's okay. That's what matters.

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